About Us

Ocean City, NJ Chatter is comprised of this Blog, a public FB page, the main OCNJ Chatter group, and multiple sub-groups. 
You might ask yourself "Self, Why are there so many OCNJ Chatter groups?" Well the awesomeness of Ocean City NJ cannot be contained in one group. The city inspires so many interests and passions whose popularity is deserving of its own group. It allows folks to geek out and concentrate on one interest more than one group could allow.
Once you are a member of one group in the OCNJ Chatter Crew simply request to join another and its automatically approved
The Ocean City NJ Chatter Public Page
The main OCNJ Chatter group and all of its subgroups are organized under this Ocean City NJ Chatter Public Page. You'll know when you are in the OCNJ Chatter family of groups when you see "Group By" Ocean City NJ  Chatter.
Ocean City, NJ History and Memories
This group is designed to share your memories and photographs of Ocean City, NJ. Imagine the sounds of the sea as you reminisce on your fondness for Ocean City, NJ. All History, All Memories, All Photographs, All OCNJ, All the time.
Hobo's Doggies of Ocean City, NJ
Live vicariously through a dogs eye view as they share their adventures living and vacationing in Ocean City, NJ. Because ya know sometimes in life you just need to forget about everything and look at doggies having fun in America's Greatest Family Resort.
Originally called "Shadow's Doggies of Ocean City, NJ". Shadow is a handsome playful golden retriever many of us live vicariously through. When we learned about "Hobo" The Mascot of Ocean City, NJ

 OCNJ Chatter Women's Bike and Healthy Living Club
Our goal is to connect women who ride bicycles and to strengthen and grow the bicycling community in the Ocean City area. We encourage and support ALL women of ALL abilities to ride bikes on roads and trails by promoting social events, educational clinics and group rides. Also provide information on OCNJ fitness related activities: biking, yoga, walking, and running groups. Something for everyone.

Ocean City, NJ Recommendations
Ocean City, NJ Recommendations by OCNJ Chatter answers requests for suitable restaurants, recreational activities, and service providers by citizens and visitors of Ocean City, NJ.

 The Ocean City, NJ Job Fair
Ocean City, NJ Help Wanted is here to provide "America's Greatest Family Resort" a central place to advertise job openings.

The Ocean City, NJ Post Vacation Disorder Support Group
The Ocean City, NJ Vacation Disorder Support Group. A support group for Ocean City vacation withdrawal. This is a lighthearted group for those who have tissues close by as they cross the bridge at the end of their vacation.

The Ocean City, NJ Local
This is a community group is for Ocean City, NJ Locals. Its geared for residents and homeowners of Ocean City and the immediate area. School Information, Kid Friendly Activities, Local News, Yard Sales, Events, Dr Recommendations, Politics, Local Questions and Concerns, Buy/Sell.

The Ocean City, NJ Real Estate and Vacation Rental Forum
This group, in the OCNJ Chatter tradition, seeks to bring all those who enjoy staying in Ocean City, NJ community together to interact with Realtors, Homeowners, and Vacation Rental Owners. The groups goal is to provide one stop shopping for the individual seeking a perfect vacation rental or a new home. 
Both licensed Realtors and Homeowners are free to advertise their services, post listings, provide guidance, and answer questions. We only ask everyone abide by professional standards of business and conduct. 
Purchasing a home at the shore or searching for a vacation rental can be a daunting task. Many questions and the unknown are encountered. This group seeks to benefit all those seeking and all those advertising regardless of the source. 
A benefit for all is the presence of licensed Realtors. This provides a no pressure open forum for licensed Realtors to interact with those seeking to purchase a home, rent a home, or secure their vacation rental.

Shoobie Stanley's Babies of Ocean City, NJ
August 2018 Baby Shooby Stanley wins over OCNJ Chatter while vacationing in Ocean City, NJ. Lighthearted adventures with Grand pop Stanley endeared him to newly found Aunts and Uncles. Shooby Stanley now invites all baby's who enjoy Ocean City, NJ to join him here in this group to share their Ocean City adventures with him.

Ocean City, NJ Beachcombers & Beach Tag Collectors
A group for all Ocean City NJ Beachcombers & Beach Tag Collectors in the OCNJ Chatter Tradition.

The Ocean City NJ Photography Club
It's a place for Ocean City photography enthusiasts to learn from each other and improve their skills. 
From professional to novice from residents to vacationers all are welcome. Members of the group organize meetups at various locations in Ocean City for picturing taking and camaraderie.

The Ocean City NJ Porch Life
Show us a patio with an awning and you'll have relaxing friendly conversation with friends, family, doggies, and passersby. Salt Air, Sea Gulls, and Cool Breeze. #OCNJPorchLife

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